Concept Map

Map concepts visually to make new meaning.

Concept maps are graphical tools that designers, engineers, and others professionals use to help them organize complex information in ways that produce new knowledge, or new ways of seeing that information. Concept maps often use geometric shapes and lines with labels to indicate causation or correlation. In this project, you will create a concept map on a topic that you want to understand better. You’ll polish your concept map for clarity and share your new understanding with others online.

  • Heuristic
  • Map
  • Technical Communication

Learning Goals

After you finish this activity you will be able to:

  • Identify, group, and map concepts related to a main topic
  • Use software to produce a professional quality version of the map
  • Share the map with others online


Follow these steps to complete the project.

An excellent first step in creating any media work is to examine exemplary works of the same type. Make a list for yourself of what makes these examples strong and inspiring.

Don't skip this step!

1 Get inspired by visiting the links in the Get Inspired box.
2 Read or watch George Ella Lyon's ‘Where I'm From’ poem.

By growing your skills in the tools used in any project, you save yourself time and produce stronger work.

3 Peruse any or all of the tutorials in the Tame Your Tools box.

When beginning a new media project, it's best to organize your resources in a single location.

4 Create a folder on your Desktop named something memorable, such as my-media-project. In this folder you'll organize all your resources for this project.

The process of creating a concept maps typically requires visually reorganizing your information several times.

  • Sticky note pads and pens
  • A whiteboard, with dry-erase markers and eraser
5 Start with a question that clearly specifies a problem, issue, or concept and write this centrally on the whiteboard. Create a 'parking' lot area to the right of the board. There you will place the elements of your map as you brainstorm.
Now that you have established a central concept you wish to explore, question you wish to answer, or problem you wish to solve, you will brainstorm related concepts, answers, or solutions, respectively.
6 Write on sticky notes and paste them into the Parking Lot. Try to work until you have at least filled the parking lot with stickies.
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You've grown your multimedia literacy while creating cool things! Well done, you!

You might consider nominating work you are proud of to the Remix Project Showcase!


Get Inspired

Explore examples of similar projects.

Tame Your Tools

Master the skills used in this project.

Get Help

Notre Dame has many helpful resources, including our Media Corps coaching staff, located in the Hesburgh Library.

Give Feedback

Remix is continually evolving. Please help us improve by providing feedback on this project or any other feature of Remix.

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